Preparedness for Pets
While preparing your family for emergencies, don't forget your pets--make a disaster plan that includes preparing a go-bag, paying attention to their special needs during weather fluctuations, and how to safely travel with them during stressful evacuations.
Listed below are some resources to help you prepare you and your pet to safely handle any emergency.
These agencies and organizations also recommend that your pets be micro-chipped, and the data be kept current, so your pet can be safely returned to you if found.
FEMA has a useful handout for preparing your pets.
Their website includes tips on how to safeguard your pets.
If you have to evacuate, prepare your pets by making a plan and following the tips on their website. The Sierra Club, one of several organizations who have sent animal response teams in coordination with disaster responders, provides a useful description from past disasters, like lessons learned from Hurricane Katrina: what happens to pets who had to be left during an evacuation as well as tips on how to prepare yourself and your pets should you have to evacuate.
FEMA also offers some courses on Animals in Disasters: Community Planning (IS-11.A) and some other related courses.
The CDC also offers a convenient checklist.
They have tips on keeping pets and people healthy in emergencies through their preparedness kit.
The CDC has a Public Health Matters Blog offering five ways to prepare your pets for emergencies.
If you have to board your pet, the CDC provides a fillable form to ensure your contact information and your pet's medications are documented.
Check out the Pet Disaster Preparedness page for tips on creating a preparedness plan, an emergency kit, basic first aid, and how to help them to recover from the experience.
They also have tips on pet heat safety, including steps for identifying and treating heat stroke and other summer safety tips; winter safety, and travel safety. Remember that weather events and evacuations are stressful on humans and pets so making preparations now can help everyone stay safe regardless of the conditions they may face. One of their valuable tips include having your pets participate with you in safety drills and ensure they know their commands to follow you.
The Red Cross reports that according to the U.S. Fire Administration not only are an estimated 500,000 pets affected annually by fires but nearly 1,000 home fires each year are accidentally started by the homeowners' pets. Check out Pet Fire Safety page.

Don't forget the HUMANE SOCIETY and the ASPCA!
From the Humane Society: Pet Disaster Preparedness